
My Favorite Language Resources

A good professional has the right toolbox, and for editors and writers, these tools include language, grammar, and style guides along with books about writing and language. These six books are resources that I use in my day-to-day work, help me understand language at a deeper level, and explain how English has changed and is changing with the Internet.

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Megan Rogers
Getting to Know Your Audience

Know your audience is a well-known guideline for both writing and editing for good reason. If you understand your reader, you can tailor your messaging to make it relevant, valuable, and clear. Most organizations are writing for several audiences, which means content writers need to be even clearer on which message is meant for which specific audience. Here are three ways to get to know them.

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Megan Rogers
3 Business Lessons from ACES 2019: Focus

Many of my main takeaways from ACES 2019 came from the business sessions, and they apply to any professional, on staff or independent. This post, the third in a series, is about focus: starting the day right, staying productive, and doing what you love.

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Megan Rogers